Bowler Swim School proudly boasts a group of highly qualified and passionate instructors.  To learn more about what instructor is the best fit for your student, read their bios below.

Auston Bowler


Auston is 23 years old and just finished his junior year at BYU where he is studying finance. He recently returned home from serving a church mission in the beautiful state of Alaska. There he furthered his teaching abilities. Auston began swimming competitively at 6 and swam all four years at Corner Canyon High School. Auston has been working for Bowler Swim School since he was 14 and is coming back for his 8th year teaching. Auston’s hobbies include skiing, riding RZRs, and being in the mountains.


Ellie Bowler


Ellie is 19 years old and just completed her freshman year at BYU. This is Ellie’s 5th year teaching at Bowler Swim School, but she has been helping with Bowler swim School in and out of the pool for as long as she can remember. Ellie loves hanging out with friends, riding RZRs, and playing guitar in her free time.